Docker commands
run - start a container
#docker run nginx
list all running containers
#docker ps
list all containers
docker ps -a
stop container
#docker stop <name/id>
remove container
# docker rm <name/id>
list available images
# docker images
remove an image
first stop all running containers of the images
#docker rmi nginx
how to download an image
#docker pull nginx
or download and run
# docker run nginx
execute commands on a docker container
# docker exec <container_name> <command>
# docker exec distracted_disk cat /etc/hosts
run - attach / detach
by default docker container runs on attach mode
run in attach mode
(the console is confined to the output)
#docker run kodekloud/web-app
run in detach mode
(the console is not confined to the output)
#docker run -d kodekloud/web-app
make a detach running command attach
docker attach <detach id>
docker terminal mapping
when we run docker container it runs as a isolated process and by default all the input and output is blocked we must allow our docker to interactive and be able to publish the docker terminal on our standard output for that we will use tag
# docker run -it <kodekloud/simple-prompt-docker>
port mapping
by default all docker runs on isolated processes that don't interact with outside world
how to access your application inside docker host
use docker container ip (every docker container have its own ip but it is internal and can only be accessed inside container)
use the docker host ip (map port of container to host )
how data is persisted in docker container
note all container`s are isolated and have isolated data storage and all the data is removed when the container is removed
to securely store data inside container we will map a storage location outside of container to a location inside container
inspect container
# docker inspect <container_name/id>
check logs of a container
# docker logs <name/id>
Advanced docker commands
run docker commands using tags
# docker run ubuntu:17.10 cat /etc/*release*
to convert a detached mode running container to attach mode
# take the container id
# docker attach <id>
how to get the internal ip of a docker container
# docker inspect <id>
then check the network section there is ip address
or to access using port mapping
# docker run -p 8080:8080 jenkins
save container data
# make a local directory
# mkdir my-jenkins-data
then map the data inside container to the created directory on the host
# docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /root/my-jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -u root jenkins
this configuration will store the jenkins data in /root/my-jenkins-data folder
how to create your own image ??
first write down the steps you would perform while deploying the app
write step by step
docker file
layered architecture
dockerfile builds the steps in a layered architecture for this reason if one layer have some problem the only that layer needs to built and other layer stay as it is
creating a docker file
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get inatall -y python python-pip
RUN pip install flask
COPY /opt/
ENTRYPOINT <command to run the application>
then build the image
# docker build . -t <docker_account_name/image-name>
run you image
# docker run <image-name>
push to a docker repository
# tag your docker instance to the repo
login to docker cli using
docker login
# docker push <docker_account_name/image-name>
ReplyDeleteLecture 23