Object-oriented programming In Javascript


objects Literal :- You Just Literaly Open And Close a curly braces and write properties and methods

Factory Function: you Create a function and inside the function retun the object literal , and to call it declar a variable and call the function

constructor  Function:  You create a function and use this to assign properties and methods and use new keyword along with function name to create an instance of the constructor; (Constructor Functions Start With An Upper case letter)

Functions Are Objects :- 

note ["every object in js has an constructor property"]

note ["When We Create a function using This Syntax [ function circle(){}"] internaly Function constructor runs and create the function  ]

values :- copies Value

 reference :- copies reference


Adding and deleting Properties :- you can add a property by just writeing the Instance name Either . Or [] And Then Add Like Object literal

to delete write delete in front of the objcet  

Enumearting properties: You can Enumearte over properties by a for loop like 

function Circle(radies){

 this.radies = radies;

 this.draw = function() {





 const circle = new Circle(10);


 for (let key in circle){

   console.log(key, circle[key]);



 Objcet.keys(circle); / It Returens all the keys in the circle object as an array;



 check the existance of a property or method in an object use 




 if ('radies' in circle){

 // do something





 in javascript we use let to declar private variable if we have a function and inside it we have properties and methods that we wanted to make private we must make them local varibale or local function using let 


 clousers in javascript

  in clousers we preserve the local variable and function if they are user in any child function of that function


Getters And Setters 

 the Problem with Setting private variable and function is that You cant access Them in other places 

  but if you want yo show them then either use this.getFunctionName = () =>{

  return the variable;


  or you can use Objcet.defineProperties() to set up getters  and setters




 In Javascript we do not have classes we have objects thats why in js we use prototypical inheritance 

 prototype is just an object it self but prototype is just  parent in js a object inherits from its parent

 every object In js has a perent its '__proto__' or prototype just __proto__ dont have __proto__

 prototypical inheritance :-  if we use a method in our javascript objcet but dont define it javascript engine check to its parent all the waty to '__proto__' ;


 Multilevel inheritance :-

 in js when we declar an empty array what happends is its get inherited from arraybase or prototype and create an array but the prototype is it self an object and get inherited from __proto__ or prototype its an example of multilevel inheritance

  Note** all object created by the object constructor would have the same prototype

Property Descriptors

constructor Properties

you can get the prototype by either myobj.__proto__ or Objcet.getPrototypeOf(myobj)

it retun the all the prototypes in this objcet

in javascript function are also objcets

prototypes Properties and method vs instance Properties and method 

take method from instance members and put it into objcet base 

function Circle(){

 this.draw()= () =>{




to add on objcet base

Circle.prototype.draw=() => {


} ;

javascript specificity 101

if you have a method in instance members and properties members javascript is first  gona look at the instance members and then go to prototype members

opps In Javascript (Brad Traversy)

prototypical inheritance

.call() => method call allows us to call other function from other places in the current context

inherits the person prototype method

Customer.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype)


Using Object.create

or we can use js classes (es6)

es6 static method

put static before a function and call using class name


modules in js

split =:> modules

common js

cohesion -> related Data Should be together 

by  default module is private Explictly export it to expose 

and require it to import

ES6 modules 


Ways To define objects in Javascript 

1 Object literal

2 factory function

3 constructor way

4 es6 class way 

Object literal

factory function

constructor  Way

In javascript functions are objects 
because when we declare a function using the function keyword under the hood javascript interpreter
parses it and make it like the second image using the 

Function() { prototype }
 and we can call methods on them the function works as a constructor to the function and convert it into Objects  

Value Type         Vs      Reference Type 

primitive types              objects 

null                                 array (also objects)

undefined                       function (also objects)

Primitives are copied by their value
reference are just mapped to the object`s reference

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