Linux Notes [REDHAT]





more is a linux pager

locate <name>

 if locate is not working the "updatedb"


suid - 4, sgid- 2, sticky bit- 1

sgid : it will be added on groups . If sgid is set then the group owner of the directory will be the group owner of all the files created under it 


chmod 2755 myfiles 

sgid -> 2

check the github ->

Boot , reboot and shutdown a system

# reboot (it reboots your system)

# systemctl reboot (also reboot)

# shutdown –r +5 (reboot system after 5 minutes)

# shutdown –c (cancel reboot)

/ schedule reboot

# shutdown –r 00:00 (it will reboot at 12 0 clock)

# shutdown  – r now (reboot system now)

/ poweroff a system

# shutdown –h now

# shutdown –h +5 (system going down in 5 minutes)

# shutdown –P

Targets in linux

A target is a grouping of dependencies of configuration files

There are multiple targets some of the targets are,,,

command to check which target a user is in

# systemctl get-default

You can set the default target using the command

# systemctl set-default <>

it creates a soft link which can be found on /etc/systemd/system this location 

To get into a target  a target has to be specifically configured

Check using

# vi <>

Check if “allowisolate” is “yes”

 To go from one target to another use

# systemctl isolate  <>

Crack root password



ps (list all running processes)

pgrep httpd – l (it combines grep and ps commands)

pgrep – u <user>  – L  (pgrep – u is list the users and – l is list the process name  associated with users)

pgrep – u username – l <vi>

pkill <name of the process>

pkill <httpd>

check about the killed process

pgrep <httpd>

kill signals

kill – l (to get the kill signal list)

 pkill – 15 or pkill – SIGTERM  (SIGTERM clean termination)

pkill -9 (SIGKILL immediate kill the process)

pkill – 18 or pkill – SIGCONT (stops the process so we can start it again)

jobs command prints current running processes in the background

# jobs

After the jobs commands if you want to stop a process listed in the job

Kill -SIGSTOP %<1>


List all the system running process

# ps aux

Use grep

# ps aux | grep httpd

Nice level the lower the higher priority – (-20[most fav]  +19[least fav])

Check storage

# df -h

Check nice level for a process

# ps axo pid,comm,nice | grep httpd

Start with nice level of 0

# nice -n 0 <httpd>

Reinitialize a process value using renice

# renice  -n 12 <pid>

 renice every single httpd process

# renice -n 10 $(pgrep httpd)

Give a higher niceness to a process to do current work

# <time> nice -n -<20> <tar> -<cvf> <test.tar> <test.file>

Command for system load average

# w

Command for uptime

# uptime

 Command for cpuinfo

# cat /proc/cpuinfo

How to calculate load on a single processor

# w

Get the load average value divide by number of processor

Top commands

# top,managed%20by%20the%20Linux%20Kernel.

Locate and interrupt system logfiles and journals

System log path

# cd /var/log

# ls

Can see logfiles in head,tail,less

Journald tool to see all the log  message

# Journalctl

# journal -nx (it gives running process with explanation)

But it is temporary and located in  cd /run/log/journal/

But if we want journald to be persistent then go to cd /etc/ systemd/ then ls to find journal.d

Access a virtual machine console

How to connect to a VM

GUI : Applications -> system tools -> virtual machine manager

Start and stop vms

Be root

# virsh (virtual machine manager)

Virsh # list - - all

 Virsh# shutdown <vmname>

Virsh# start <vmname>

check start , stop networking services


Securely transfer files




list, create, delete partition

to see attached devices go to cd /dev then do ls


There are 3 types of user account in linux

1 service account

2 normal account

3 administrative account


Linux AT command

date  – to check date 


It is used to give specific permission to files or users which dont come under user, group, other 

To get acl details 

getfacl filename

commands for setting ACL

ACL for user

setfacl -m u:user:rwx <target file>

ACL for user in all the files inside folders

setfacl -Rm u:user:rwx <target folder>

ACL for group

setfacl -m g:user:rwx <target file>

remove ACL for user

setfacl -x u:user:rwx <target file>

remove all entries

setfacl -b <target file>


chmod calculator

usermod command

newgrp commands

give execute permission to all directories and not files inside it

step 1

remove all execute permission

chmod ug-x -R filename

only add execute permission to the directories

chmod ug+X -R filename 


File Permission,the%20file%20is%20a%20program.

the owner of the file can only change permission

how to create a group

verify group



getent group

change group ownership

change file permission

Simbolic link

Symbolic link can link across file systems 

hardlink cant link across file system

Configure system to mount file systems at boot by uuid or label

  • Creating a new partition 

FDISK - MBR - fs not more than 2 TB


Mount file system 

mkfs - t <xfs/filesystem> <xvdf1/Device name>

mkfs - t <ext4/filesystem> <xvdf1/Device name>

We use different tools for creating label on different filesystems 

Check uuid


Creating label for xfs file system 

xfs_admin -L <label_name> /dev/xvdf1

Check label

xfs_admin  -l /dev/xvdf1

Creating label for ext file system 

tune2fs -L <label_name> /dev/xvdf2

Check label

tune2fs -l /dev/xvdf2

Mount command is temporary to permanently mount edit the fstab file 

Using fstab - permerent 

add the mount folder name 

mkdir /mnt/mymount 

vi /etc/fstab 

to get details we use man fstab

to add using uuid 

UUID=<uuid copy from blkid> /mnt/mymount xfs defaults 1 2

in the fstab file /mnt/mymount is the mount point of our device where it should be mounted 

xfs is the file system

1 is the kdump option 

2 is for  the fsck boot order

mount everything using fstab file 

mount -a 

unmount everything using fstab file 


then do 


mount filesystem with label

vi /etc/fstab

LABEL=filesystem2 /mnt/mount2 ext4 defaults 1 3


add new partition and logical volume and swap to a system non-destructively 

check swap disk

free -m

swap space is kind of virtual memory for linux 

how much swap space to use redhat recommends 2 times your memory 

Khata notes docs a add

Create, mount unmount and use vfat,ext4,and xfs, file system

  • Create a partition using fdisk

  • format it with vfat,ext4,xfs 

  •  vfat is extended fat compatible with windows

  • mkfs.vfat /dev/xvdf1 to format with vfat

  • mkfs.ext4 /dev/svdf1

  • mkfs.xfs /dev/xvdf 

if vfat is not there yum install vfat 

  • mount using mount or fstab 

to delete a partition 

fdisk /dev/xvdf

d // d to delete the partition

fsck cant check against an mounted file system

to get details about an file system using fsck k

  • first unmount it 

  • umount /mnt/mymount

then check using 

  • fsck /dev/xvdf1

get details about file-system 

dump2fs /dev/xvdf

label a file system 

tune2fs -L mylabel  /dev/xvdf1

check label using 

dump2fs /dev/xvdf

get information about xfs filesystem

xfs_info /dev/xyz

add label to file system 

before label pls unmount the filesystem

xfs_admin -L mylable /dev/xvdf 

repair xfs file system and check consistency

xfs_repair /dev/xvdf1


mount and unmount nfs or cifs file system

cifs is compatible with windows and linux machines 

we use samba to configure our file server 

it is a storage server working in other server room that we can mount to our client machines to use it 

to configure we need to install 

  • yum -y install samba-client cifs-utils nfs-utils 

check what file shares are available  

smbclient -L <file server ip>

then give samba password 

mount temporarily 

when we mount we mount based on share name 

create mount location first 

mkdir /mnt/sambaserver

mount cifs or samba 

mount -t cifs -o username=shamba_username //serverip/sharename /mnt/mount_name 

check using

df -h

if you get error uninstall cifs client and reinstall

mount nfs file system

mount -t nfs serverip:/sharename /mnt/mount_name 


dh -h

mount permerently 

mount samba / cifs

vi /etc/fstab

//server_ip/share_name /mnt/mountname cifs username=<username>,password=<123456> 0 0

mount nfs 

serverip:/sharename /mnt/mount_name nfs defaults 0 0

to unmount network filesystem

unmount /mnt/sambashare

 unmount /mnt/nfsshare

to check fstab

mount -a 

check partition 

df -h


Create mount unmount and use vfat, ext4, and xfs filesystem 

Partition the mounted disk using fdisk 

format with a file system

vat is windows and linux supported

mkfs.vfat /dev/xvdf 


mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdf 


mkdir /mnt/vfat

mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/vfat 

to permerantly mount 

vi /etc/fstab

/dev/xvdf1 /mnt/vfat vfat defaults 1 2 


umount /mnt/svdf 

check using fsck


Extend existing logical volume 

1 create a partition – linux lvm 

2 create a physical volume 

3 create a volume group

4 create a logical volume 

5 format using a file-system 

6 mount the file system 

7 write file to the disk 

8 remove the disk without affecting the data 

9 create a new partition 

10 create a physical volume 

11 add partition to the old volume group 


vgextend battlestar /dev/xvdg1

12 move data from one physical volume to another but both of them have to be part of the volume group


pvmove /dev/xvf1

13 after moving the files from the volume remove the volume 


vgreduce battlestar /dev/xvdf1

14 cd into  the mount folder and check the files available

15 extend logical volume 

lvextend -L 5G /dev/battlestar/galactica 




create and configure set GID directory for collaboration

to check which groups user part of 

groups user1


Redhat networking

To get details about ip


ip addr show eth0

ip -s link show eth0

to get details we use 


yum install traceroute 



ss  -atn // check listening port and connection


Configure Networking and Hostname Resolution Statically or Dynamically Network Manager

check current networking device 

nmcli dev status 

// lo stands for loopback device

text based GUI to configure networking


show all of our connection in current machine

nmcli con show 

connection are located under 

in linux a connection is a configuration and it is attached to a device 


bring up a new connection

nmcli con add con-name “my_connection” autoconnect yes type ethernet ifname eth1

we can create multiple connection for a device 

one static one dynamic 

show active connection

nmcli con show –active

show our connected devices

nmcli dev show 

if we dont provide a ip details by default it uses a script named 

ifcfg-<connection name>

by default it uses DHCP

vi ifcfg-<connection name>

check traffic 

ip route 

create connection with static ip

nmcli con add con-name “my_connection-static” yes type ethernet ifname eth1 ip4 gw4

down a connection

nmcli con down “mycon-static”

up a connection

nmcli con up “myconn”

use double tab in nmcli

configure autoconnect in nmcli

nmcli con mod “mycon” connection.autoconnect yes

to check if autoconnect is enabled 

cat ifcfg-mycon-static 

check ONBOOT=yes 

delete a connection using nmcli

nmcli con del “mycon”


linux hosts file

vi /etc/hosts

if we want to poison a website hosts file can do that 

Check the screenshot below 

DNS name server file location

vi /etc/resolv.conf

but it is modified my network manager 

our system first checks hosts file then nameserver file to change that behavior 

vi /etc/nsswitch.conf

inside the file hosts

check machine hostname


temporarily set hostname

hostnamectl set-hostname my-testhostname

check hostname status

hostnamectl status

change connection DNS

nmcli con mod “System eth0” ipv4.dns 

check if the dns is added

cat /sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

now we need to do a reboot


verify using 

cat /etc/resolve.conf 

DNS should be added

get hostname to ip address

getent hosts


 Configure Systems to Boot into a Specific Target Automatically

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automatically Using Kickstart

Each redhat machine have  anaconda-ks.cfg inside their linux root it is a file that answers all the necessary information during installation so instead of and admin setting infront of machine and setting up all option during boot this file can do that 

and after installation this anaconda-ks.cfg file have all the settings we used during installation

how to configure a kickstart script 

first install GUI based  kickstart creator 

yum install system-config-kickstart 

after installation


  • Added root password 

  • Added installation methhod FTP server

  • Boot loader

  • Partition info

  • Click on Add 

  • /boot

Added swap

Added root

  • Network configuration 

  • Authentication

Firewall configuration

  • Display Configuration

  • Package Selection

  • Pre installation and post installation script

  • Now save the kickstart file

PXE installation 


find cli bsed kickstart script

rpm -qd pykickstart 

then find kickstart-docs.txt

open in vim and under it there is a dummy kickstart script 


Configure a Physical Machine to Host Virtual Guests

to configure physical machine to host guests we have to install 

yum install virt-manager qemu-kvm qemu-img 

then install

yum instal libvirt libvirt-python python-virtinst libvirt-client 

then enable libvirt 

libvirt is the tool that we use to manage our virtual machine

and to manage our virtual machine we need to start libvirt demon 

systemctl enable libvirtd 

after enabling start libvirt demon

systemctl start libvirtd 

how to use virsh ??


Install Red Hat Enterprise /centos  Linux Systems as Virtual machine on linux server

  • open GUI virtual machine manager 


Click add new virtual machine


  • local install 

  • download iso to local machine 

  • select local media 

  • install from PXE server


Configure Network Services to Start Automatically at Boot

in networking with linux we have to care for 3 scenarios 

1 NIC cards are up

2 systemctl status network is up 

3 services like nginx and apache are up 

to check network autoconnect on boot is enabled or not we have to 

cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

nmcli con show

check the name 

cat ifcfg-<name> 

check onboot information

if no is set on onboot to make it yes


nmcli con mod “<name>” connection.autoconnect yes

or open the file and set 


then reboot your system for taking effect 




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